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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Elital Rychter - Next Time You Break My Heart (Rad Star Management)

21 November 2023

Heartbreak is older than music. But as soon as we invented music, we found that we had the perfect medium for expressing such feelings. So, “Next Time You Break My Heart,” the debut single from Elital Rychter follows in perhaps the oldest music tradition of all, that of the exorcism and expression of our most vulnerable and intimate emotions through song.

Despite its fragile and resolutely personal nature, or perhaps because of it, “Next Time You Break My Heart” is a gorgeous song. It is a song built on understatement, one voice dancing delicately and deftly to a spacious cascade of piano lines, shrouded in the ebb and flow of brooding cello washes and spiralling violins. And lyrically, the song is emphatic and imploring, yet also hints at a tragic circle of events; after all, Elital Rychter’s acceptance that there will be a next time speaks volumes about the traps and circular habits that we all fall for and repeatedly find ourselves in.

It is a beautiful song, no question, one that leaves enough space between its planned musical building blocks for the light to get in. And not just the light, all manner of unplanned sonics and sounds pool and percolate in these spaces too, adding atmosphere and anticipation, in the near silence left by one fading of one note, before the ushering in of the next and in the space left by the intake of breath just as another lyrical line is about to be called into being.

If, as they say, less is more, then this much less is undoubtedly so much more. If you want to know wether that is true, listen to the song again; the proof of such a statement is the very stuff it is made of.
