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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Elviise - I Will Carry You (B Sharp)

14 January 2024

Music has the most significant impact when it employs clever dynamics, that ability to wander lulling lows, explore sonic crescendoes, and move from one to the other with effortless ease. Well, if you are looking for that, Elviise has it in no small amount.

“I Will Carry You,” their latest single, lulls the listener into a false sense of security, starting in a place seemingly more akin to a sort of alt-pop vibe, a blend of understated bass lines, chiming vocals, and spacious atmospherics before pulling its move. And that move is the intelligent use of dynamics I was talking about. Because, from such a calm and collected place, the only way to go, sonically speaking, is up. And up they go, breaking out raw, abrasive guitars, thunderous drums, and pulsing, propelling bass lines, all pushing a vocal that somehow evolves out of its seemingly pop sweetness and into an almost operatic voice.

Once they reach such a crescendo, they are ideally placed to ebb and flow between the extremes, between the more understated rock moves, and the full-on metal grooves. They break things down when it suits them, build the sound up when required, and throw in squalling and scintillating guitar solos, rhythmic runs, hushed atmospherics, bass noodles, chiming keyboards, and more. they seem to have thought of everything, everything that makes a song more than the sum of its musical parts. Much more.

Dynamics is the name of the game, and it is a game that Elviise knows how to play perfectly.
