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Who is ready for a film noir soundtrack-infused, twanging 60’s, Spanish-vibed, cannibal surf-punk instrumental? That should get your attention. Those don’t come along too often, so you should wholeheartedly embrace songs like “Soylent Seafoam Green,” the new one from Guitarmy of One when they blip on the radar of special and interesting things.
And there is lots to love here, so take your pick. The slightly Tex Mex feeling, the surfer vibes, the fact that the track delivers the requisite edge and energy not through anything as mundane as lyrics but through licks, the infectious energy, the cool beats, the reverb-soaked chords, nostalgic sensations, the punk swagger, the tremolo arm twang, the willfully louche and wonderfully lazy pace and purpose, and the fact that the song takes its titular reference from one of the all-time classic sci-fi movies. It’s all here and more.
But what else would you expect from Scott Helland, the man usually found as one-half of the most excellent Frenchy and the Punk? Following on from where the earlier album The Spy Detective Collective left off and again, in the absence of words, the album demands that you conjure your own scenes and scenarios to accompany and generally make sense of the music. This means that just this one song can tell thousands of individual stories, one for every listener who casts an ear it’s way. Now that is not just a smart way to work… that is real value for money!
Get the ‘The Wave Files’ LP
Kolchak meets the Sea Mobster