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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Jeune - Immersion (feat. Bastion) (Burnt House Records)

5 January 2024

If you think metal is all about volume and velocity, howling banshee vocals, and pounding drums, then Jeune aided and abetted by Bastion are here to make you think again. That said, “Immersion” does contain much of what I listed above, but it is what happens between, behind, beyond, and below those sonic bursts and brutal bombastic bouts that reminds us of many essential considerations.

It reminds us that metal, for want of a better term, like all genres, is a broad church and can’t be tarred with one journalistic brush. It reminds us that the levels of creativity and technical ability often found within these realms set high benchmarks. It reminds us of the powerful effect sonic dynamic has when used appropriately. It reminds us that beauty can be found in the most brutal places. There is often grace and grandeur present in the most abrasive grind and grit. It reminds us that we should approach all music with an open mind. It reminds us not to judge books by their covers.

“Immersion” is a brilliant collaboration between, Jeune and Bastion, two bands equally able to take things to an extreme but also clever enough to know that there is only so much space on the canvas to apply their sonic hues. So they find ways to play around, through, and within each others space, and that is what is so outstanding about this song.

The delicate, shimmering guitar work that leads us in is never subsumed by the squalling metal storm that often rages above, and space is left for Layla Barnes dream-pop vocals to balance the more extreme, squalling deliveries. And this is the key to this brilliant song. At times, it often feels like two songs are playing at once, but deliberately so, one appealing to the more primal side of the brain, the other to the less worldly, the result something immersive and unique.

If you are one of those people who thinks that you don’t like music made at the heavier end of the spectrum, then you need to hear “Immersion.” It will change your opinion of such music and, hopefully, the way you listen and even think about music. Hell, it might even change your life. You never know!
