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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Museums - Sink Your Teeth in My Brain (self-released)

17 July 2024

This brace of songs that make up the debut release from Montreal’s Museums is one helluva calling card and marks the band as being smart operators indeed. What I like about them most is that whilst their songs are very loosely indie in nature, they are indie in the sort of way that people boarded with what indie has become have been waiting for. That is, everything indie music could, should and might be in the future, rather than the usual cooler-than-thou, po-faced posing made be kids with designer labels and complicated hair, which is what it has become.

And if this is what the future of indie might sound like or at least one possible future, then it is ironic that Museums flavour their forward-thinking sound by exposing it to the echoes of the past.

If “Fieldfare” feels more like a song of the here and now, a sort of clean-limbed indie-pop song that gradually picks up more shimmering and squalling guitar tones and sonic weight as it goes, it is “Sink Your Teeth” that gathers more nostalgic sounds to its cause. Namely, some psychedelic sonics, shoegazing textures, and a touch of the resonant echoes of the Paisley Underground scene and the heavier College Rock sound that followed it.

Most bands would kill to be able to release this pair of aces as their first offering, but as great as they are, it feels as if Museums have effortlessly thrown these songs out as if making such succulent music came easily to them. Maybe it does; perhaps they just make it look that way. No matter which is true, this is a band that I am going to keep an eye on. You should, too.
