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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Rusty Reid - Head to Heart (Rio Paso Music, BMI)

26 August 2024

My last two encounters with Seattle-based Texan Rusty Reid, via the previous singles “The United States of Selfishness” and “American Villain,” have found him in a broadly political mood. He speaks truth to power and offers positive criticism regarding the moves and machinations of the powers-that-be, as well as delivering a sort of no-holds-barred state-of-the-nation address to his fellow Americans.

But he deals with more internal thoughts, personal journeys, and soul-searching sentiments this time out. “Head to Heart” follows the simple premise that it is only through traversing the bumps and potholes of life’s road, only by suffering its slings and arrows, being subjected to its cuts and bruises, that we become the more well-rounded and highly developed people we hope to be. It is a case of being unable to make ourselves better human omelets without breaking the eggs of experience.

He drives home this idea via gentle pop-rock sonics, a deft blend of coiled rock riffs, and pop accessibility. It is precisely the sort of thing that you would have found at the calmer and more considered end of Tom Petty’s or perhaps anywhere in the The Eagles’ back catalog, and it isn’t too often that those two bands bisect, but here the blend of chiming rock and shimmering Americana seems to encompass both bands signature sounds to some degree.

Rusty Reid is a rare troubadour who is equally at home making political points and social commentary as he follows a more spiritual agenda. We have already witnessed his ability to make you think; here, all he asks you to do, is feel.
