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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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Scott Zosel - Saturday's Child

27 May 2023

I said as much when reviewing a previous single, “Flow”, I think it was, but it is worth repeating that Scott Zosel is an artist comfortable with who he is and what he does. Anyone who can make music so well crafted and deftly done is going to have the confidence just be themselves. And Saturday’s Child, his latest album, is an excellent example of him doing just that.

Anything that comes off as a laid-back take on Tom Petty’s trademark blends of rock, pop, and Americana, as opener “Return To Me” is, is good with me. Here he captures the same balance of slight edge and easy accessibility, explores that same space that sits between pop and a hard place and is an excellent way of setting out his sonic stall right from the off.

And from there, he steps lightly into a few adjoining genres and moods; “Winter of Herself” is a delicate pop ballad, though one built of shimmering cascades of effervescent guitars, soft and heartfelt sentiments, and space, lots of space, which is always the mark of a brave writer, “The Day My Beauty Died” is nostalgic and gently anthemic, its cool central riff and some neat dynamic shifts and lifts ensure that for all its unassuming ways, it is sonically exciting, and “I Saw Buddha” is suitably hazy and heavenly

As I say, it is so refreshing when you come across an artist who knows who they are, what they want to be, and where they are happy fitting into the musical landscape. Scott Zosel isn’t an artist looking to shake things up, invent new genres, or follow fads or fashion. He is an artist who has found a signature sound, one that is both fresh and yet wonderfully familiar, and turned it into a masterclass of songwriting, musicianship, and accessibility.

God bless ya, Scott Zosel.

Apple Music