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The Big Takeover Issue #94
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The Boundless - As Angels Fly (Silenced Days Recordings)

16 July 2024

I’m not sure what seems to be happening in that part of the world, but I seem to be getting more and more music made by Argentinian artists coming my way. Perhaps there is some sort of modern musical renaissance happening there, or maybe I am just slow to pick up on a long-standing, vibrant scene. Whichever is the truth, I’m glad that we have finally found each other.

The Boundless is one of my recent discoveries in those parts, and discerning music fans, especially those who are fans of guitar instrumentals and virtuosic playing, heavenly sonics and hard rock, will love what, Facundo Murachelli the man behind the music, does.

“As Angels Fly” is one of those songs that seems to exist where rock music and the classical world meet and mix. Although starting off in familiar, contemporary rock territory, this long, slowly evolving piece grows in increments over its six-minute duration, rising from delicate and spacious sounds to squalling, almost Wagnarian sonics.

As weight is added, as new textures and tones are applied, the track plays out like a prog-rock anthem, but one that errs on the side of metal’s bold and bombastic moves, growing in stature, acquiring double-tracked sounds and choral depth, chugging rhythms and driving beats, before dropping back into the more sophisticated sonics of its birth.

This is what they mean when they use the word soundscape. This is what they mean by symphonic. This is precisely what the term anthemic should be reserved for. This is music that bridges sounds and styles, genres and eras, and even musical worlds, such is its scale and scope.
