Tim Bugbee‘s real life job (manufacturing director in a biopharma company) has nothing to do with music, music has been a central core element all along. He first started writing about music (record reviews and some interviews) with The Big Takeover in the early 90s, and then also contributed to local Boston zine Popwatch. After Popwatch folded, he took a break from the ‘zine game (and not so coincidentally, also during this time he started a family, and lived briefly in Ireland), but recently photography has rekindled this passion, and he is glad to back on board with Jack and the BT staff.
The Bevis Frond has perfected the dichotomy of super catchy pop songs and ear-melting psych rock freakouts.
Kevin Starrs brings his vision of ’70s giallo to life.
Frank Black dusts off his sophomore effort and brings out the OG gang to help play it.
The Saints, one of the lynch pins of the early punk movement, roar back to life on stage, abetted by some friends.
Nothing can top King Diamond playing on Halloween
Boris bring their sludge masterpiece to the live setting via an Amplifier Worship Service.
AIR blow the lunar dust off of their debut record Moon Safari, which has aged well.
Fontaines D.C. have always had a warm welcome in Boston, and that trend continues on the shoulders of touring their newest record, Romance.
Tick Tick BOOM! The Hives light the fuse and blow up Roadrunner.
35 years is nothing for timeless music
Wilco hosts their eighth curated festival nestled in the Berkshire Mountains with a wide ranging display of sounds.
Boston Calling enjoys superb weather on a bill stacked with pop performers and some C&W and others mixed in.